Copyright and Disclaimer

※Note: The contents of this page are intended only for the readers in Japan. The original Japanese page prevails as the official page. This English translation is provided solely for the convenience of reference.


Unless specifically stated to the contrary, the copyright of all documents, images, pictures, software, and other content provided on this Website belongs to NTT DATA INTELLILINK Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") or to the third parties that have granted rights there of to the company . All content contained in this website may be displayed and reproduced by printing or other means only for personal nonprofit use by private individuals and for internal use by corporate and other organizations and bodies. However, this is subject to condition that the Company's copyright notice must be affixed to all such reproductions. For uses other than those mentioned above, please contact us using the inquiry form below.

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Other Notes

The contents and URLs on our website are subject to change or deletion without notice. These terms of use are subject to change without notice. If these terms and conditions are changed, the new terms and conditions must be followed. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

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