INTELLILINK Security Policy Evaluation Service

We review policy to ensure they are based on the culture and environment of the organization.

Security policy may lose its original effectiveness or become a mere manual if it becomes inappropriate for the current information security environment and actual state of the operations.

INTELLILINK Security Policy Assessment Service provides policy review service and support service to make the policy effective considering the characteristics of your information security policy, your organizational culture, international standards such as ISO/IEC27001, and the latest security technologies.

Why security policy does not work?

  • Adhering to the policy significantly reduces operational efficiency.
  • There is a big difference between the policy and actual operating conditions.
  • Presentation of code of conduct for information security activities and clarification of responsibilities
  • Resources for policy operation are not secured.
  • The organization has changed since the policy was formulated, but the policy does not reflect this change.

About INTELLILINK Security Policy Assessment Service

When reviewing security policies in operation, the know-how of experts can be utilized to accurately identify items that need to be reviewed and promote the project efficiently.

INTELLILINK Security Policy Evaluation Service - Overview Diagram

Flow of INTELLILINK Security Policy Evaluation Service

Policy Review Policy Review Policy dissemination and operation
Analyze the security risk environment and gaps between security requirements and the current situation. Provide advice on document modification considering the characteristics of customer. Propose solution for the widespread operation of security policy.

* These products or services are only available in Japan.

INTELLILINK Security Policy Evaluation Service