INTELLILINK ID Management Solutions


Majority of companies make use of systematized "authentication" through directory service to secure employee identification. However, many times the management records for asset management and service use are in disarray, and the "authorization" (permission to use a service) is not linked to the directory service, making it time-consuming to update and view information.
This may be mainly because the information is managed separately—with directory services managed by the Information Systems Department, employee numbers managed by the Human Resources Department, cloud services managed by each department, and so on—making coordination difficult in some cases.

Features of INTELLILINK ID Solutions

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) by Microsoft is regarded as a leader in the field of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). Azure AD provides authentication and authorization through Single Sign-On on cloud.
Existing Excel-based records are convenient for handling on a small scale but may become confusing at a company level. Disorganized management records make it difficult to establish a unified set of operating rules within the company. Poorly maintained management records increase the risk of the loss of information assets going unnoticed.
INTELLILINK's ID solutions combine Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Azure AD to achieve the following features—

Feature 1

Centralized management of authentication and authorization using Azure AD to consolidate authentication and authorization for various cloud services.

Feature 2

Consolidate existing management records into Dynamics365 and centralize the management of disorganized management records. The manager of management records can update the records on the web. Users can extract and view their own information from each management record.

Feature 3

Change of cloud service or permission to use cloud service can be completed in Dynamics365.

Our solutions solve the following issues:

"INTELLILINK ID Solutions" are provided to solve issues such as—account management used for cloud services is not unified with company's internal rules, each department has a management record which makes it difficult to consolidate the records, etc. Our solutions facilitate easier ID management by linking existing management records and directory services. This improves the operational efficiency, which can dramatically increase business speed.

Internal accounts and cloud service accounts are managed separately
Asset management records in the company are in disarray
Directory service changes are burdening the Information Systems Department

Flow of provision and implementation

Interested parties are requested to contact our sales team. After clarifying the business issues through consulting and confirming the feasibility of requirements through Proof of Concept (PoC), we proceed to the design and construction of the actual system.
We handle a variety of services, including PoC support, system construction and consulting support for various cloud services. Feel free to contact us for assistance in any cloud service issues concerning system development or PoC, not limited to this solution. We also accept requests for assistance in consulting only or PoC only.

* These products or services are only available in Japan.

INTELLILINK ID Management Solutions